Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stinking Up a Whole Room

How can a dog this small

Stink up an entire room by simply licking her own butthole?

If you know something, say something.

We're dying over here.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pinterest Wins!

I know, I know. I cannot stop talking about Pinterest. Too bad, folks. I'm doing it. Again.

You know how you see all of these funky, yet delicious looking, healthy, beautifully photographed recipes on Pinterest? You repin them for some other time, and then you never make them. Because you're neither a professional chef nor a professional photographer (and coincidentally, all of your blog photos are iPhone photos). And really, can something made of cauliflower taste as good as it looks on the pinboard when it's made in your kitchen?

The answer of course is, "Well... Sometimes".

So let's talk about some Pinterest wins! Funky. Healthy. Delicious.

Cauliflower rice.

Skeptical? Well you should be. I sure was. So I made it on a night that included jasmine rice too. Just in case.

The verdict? It was Fucking Delicious. Proper. It was more like couscous than rice, but it definitely felt like you were not eating a vegetable. I REPEAT, IT DEFINITELY FELT LIKE YOU WERE NOT EATING A VEGETABLE. Try it. Eat it. Love it. Pin it.

P.S. I didn't add the onion because I didn't have that shit on hand. It was still fab.

Next up, roasted cabbage.

Now I didn't exactly follow this recipe so much as I used it for inspiration (Why? Fennel. Barf.) I was short on time too so upped the temp to 425 and roasted for 30 min. I also drizzled on soy sauce and skipped the salt. I'm sure this is all making sense to you. I'm excellent at giving instructions.

So I know you don't give a motherF about all that. You just want to know how it tasted. You think like me. That's why you're reading this blog (Mother and assorted Russians). "HOW DID IT TASTE?" you scream to your monitor with aggravated anticipation! I know these things. Don't ask how.

Did the title of this post communicate nothing? Is it not entitled, "Pinterest Wins"? It was delicious, obviously.

Calm down people. I know vegetables are exciting, but you're taking this a little too far.

Everything will be ok. I promise.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I may not be a Christian, but I. LOVE. ZOMBIES!

Speaking of Zombies, ave you tried the ZOMBIES, RUN app for iPhone?

It is a new running app that makes you feel as though you're being chased by zombies. It even plays music from your iTunes library in between story lines. Super cool.

Friday, April 6, 2012


It's FRIDAY and Easter is this weekend, so I cannot concentrate on anything but chocolate bunnies and jelly beans and zombies. I think I will have to indulge in all three Sunday night after dinner with the families.Walking Dead marathon? Belly Ache? Perfect Easter.

Because I'm feeling festive (i.e. distracted and lazy), I am going to talk about something completely unrelated to both Friday and Easter. Pinterest. OH HOW I LOVE THEE PINTEREST! Sorry. Word vom. I just love the concept and the semi-anonymous connection to others with similar interests. I can find boards full of amazing Baltimore Ravens stuff, gluten free meals, and beautiful kitchens. And it's way easier to find better, more heart-ache and belly-growl inducing pictures than the google image search of yesterdays.

I'm sure you already know all of this. Everyone has a pinterest account. Even my husband. So, without further ado, here are some of my Favorite Pinterest finds of late.

 WANT. As a framed print. As a tee-shirt. As a totebag. Any way they make it.

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest


I want to make love to this paint color


I'm doing this for Halloween. No excuses.

Speaking of Easter.... BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA. This makes me laugh like that every time i see it. I think it should be my desktop.

 This clock is THE BOMB!!!!!

Umm... YES! As long as there is a soft boiled egg on top. Breakfast needs eggs. Word.

I love these chairs and Joe hates them. That, my friends, is a crime against humanity.

This is one of those rare pins that makes both my heart ache AND my belly growl. So scintillating, it's almost wrong. Almost.


That's all for today.
Until next time, Interwebs. Until next time.